15 Cheap & Easy DIY Cold Frame Ideas for Year-Round Gardening

15 Cheap & Easy DIY Cold Frame Ideas for Year-Round Gardening

Cold frames are great garden accessories that can help you continue gardening even in harsh weather conditions like rain and snow. They are easy to construct, take very little care, and can provide you with fresh vegetables throughout the fall, winter and spring seasons.

Here are some cold frame design ideas that are great for small vegetable gardens or flower gardens where you may not need a lot of space.

1. Cold Frame for $75

This Old House Cold Frame Plans

DIY instructions: This Old House

2. Cold Frame with a Lightweight Lid

Cold Frame with a Lightweight Lid

DIY instructions: Vegetable Gardener

3. Cold Frames from Old Windows and Scrap Wood

Cold Frames From Old Windows and Wood

DIY instructions: For The Love of Lillian

4. Off The Ground Cold Frame

off the ground cold frame

DIY instructions: Design Sponge

5. Straw Bale Cold Frame

straw bale cold frame

DIY instructions: Appalachian Feet

6. Cold Frame Tent

Cold Frame Tent

DIY instructions: Dunn Lumber

7. DIY Raised Bed Cold Frame

DIY Raised Bed Cold Frame

DIY instructions: Garden Log

8. PVC Cold Frame Hoop House

PVC Cold Frame Hoop House

DIY instructions: GardenFork

9. Amish Cold Frame

Amish Cold Frame

DIY instructions: In My Kitchen Garden

10. Cold Frame From Old Pallets and Windows

Cold Frame From Old Pallets and Windows

Source: Colour it Green

11. Cold Frame Made out of Suntuf Polycarbonate Panels

Easy Cold Frame for About $100

DIY instructions: Civil Eats

12. Cold Frame From an Old Skylight Dome

Cold Frame From an Old Skylight Dome

DIY instructions: Instructables

13. Brick Cold Frame

Brick Cold frame

DIY instructions: My Tiny Plot

14. Cinder Block Cold Frame

Cinder Block Cold Frame

DIY instructions: The Garden Lady of Georgia

15. Plastic Bottle Cold Frame

Plastic Bottle Cold Frame

Source: Three Hundred and Sixty-Six

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